Legal Process
Refers to a legal or political process of ending the separation and isolation of different racial and ethnic groups.
Social Process
Refers to a social process in which members of different racial and ethnic groups experience fair and equal treatment within a desegregated environment.
Denise D. Adams
City of Winston Salem Mayor Pro Tempore
We invite you to spend time with those who lived the experiences of desegregation and integration in Winston-Salem. Despite unfair and sometimes disturbing situations, many early trailblazers have continued to advocate for equity through their roles in education, government, and community organizations. They are gifted, compassionate, hardworking citizens who have improved our city and school system. Other community voices are also saluted for their vigilant efforts to foster collaboration by using their insight to help address ongoing issues and controversies.
Fleming El-Amin
Forsyth County Commissioner District A
Annette Scippio
East Ward - Winston Salem City Council Member
Dean Clifford
Retired WS/FCS Teacher
Malishai Woodbury
WS/FC School Board of Education Chair
Dr. Kenneth Simington
Retired WS/FC School Administrator
Collen Lanier
Retired WS/FC School Teacher
Marion Simpson
Retired WS/FC Guidance Counselor
Reynolds Class of 1975
Education Activist
Current Students